From our famous LOVE. shirt to Coffee Mugs to Stickers. The Best Shirt On Earth has a little bit of everything to make a great gift to yourself or a loved one. And always remember, this will be a purchase with a purpose, as your order turns into food, medicine, and hope for thousands of children locally and internationally.
The proceeds of these products go to support people in need across the globe through our organization, LIVE2540 (previously known as Orphan Aid Liberia). Our LOVE. Shirt has provided over 3 million meals and counting. We've combined retail with mission and God continues to grow us.
What our supporters are saying

"My husband and I love shopping Best Shirt On Earth because each purchase is a gift not only to us but to others. Knowing that each purchase goes towards something that can potentially be life changing to a child somewhere in the world, whether it’s in Georgia, Philippines, Ecuador, Burkina Faso or in Liberia the purchase of a Best Shirt On Earth product is going to bless a child in some way!"

The Bartons
“We love to shop at the LOVE. store because their products are of such great quality and we know our purchases help feed hungry kids. By sponsoring two girls through LIVE2540 it helps our family take our focus off of ourselves and onto those who Jesus calls us to serve.”